The National Labor Relations Board ruled on August 29, 2022 that workplace policies restricting or limiting employees’ wearing of union apparel are unlawful unless the employer can demonstrate the existence

Continue Reading Are Employer Uniform and Dress Code Policies Dead?

On April 6, the National Labor Relations Board announced that union representation petitions filed with the agency during the first six months of the fiscal year had increased 57% from
Continue Reading NLRB GC Seeks to Curtail Employers’ Defenses to Union Organizing Amidst Huge Increase in Union Election Petitions

Employers across the country may, in the near future, face a unionized workforce even though their employees are denied the opportunity to vote in a secret ballot election.  Under current
Continue Reading Union without an election? – NLRB’s possible return to Joy Silk Mills

Last week, the American Bar Association’s Section on Labor and Employment Law, Committee on the Developing Labor Law, gathered in Kauai for its annual mid-winter meeting, featuring presentations from top
Continue Reading NLRB GC’s Extreme Agenda on Display at ABA Mid-Winter Meeting